- The GPS position is S20 13.269 E028 57.171
- The airfield identifier for flight planning is FVFL
- It is within the J Nkomo TMA.
- J Nkomo Approach frequency is 119.7
Elevation: 4000ft
Runways: 017 or 035
Runway length and width: 1000m x 18m
The pilot will be required to sign the airfield log book at the main entrance to Falcon College manned by Fawcetts security guards.
If you require transport from the airfield to the College and return, please provide the registration number of the aircraft, approximate time of arrival and departure, number of crew and passengers.
If the pilot could do a low circuit over the College, a vehicle will depart for the field to collect passengers.

Please fill in the form below for permission to land.